ClearCorrect® Sync App - FAQs

General Questions:

Do I need to download an app to access the ClearCorrect Sync App?

Yes. The ClearCorrect Sync App is a mobile/tablet-based application that can be downloaded for iOS devices via the Apple® App Store® and for Android devices via Google Play.

Is there a cost associated with the ClearCorrect Sync App?
No. There is no cost associated with the download and use of the ClearCorrect Sync App.
Is the ClearCorrect Sync App available in languages other than English?
Yes. The ClearCorrect Sync App is available in the same languages as the Doctor Portal.
How do I change the default language in the ClearCorrect Sync App?

To change the language, select the Change Language option from the menu located at the top left and select from the available language options.

Which iOS/Android versions are supported on the ClearCorrect Sync App?
The ClearCorrect Sync App is supported on iOS version 11 or later and Android Version 10 or later.
If I click on Reset Password, will my Doctor Portal login credentials also change?
Yes, your login credentials for Doctor Portal and Sync App are the same. Hence, any changes to your password would affect the ClearCorrect Sync App, the Doctor Portal and the Straumann eShop.
How do I report any issues with the ClearCorrect Sync App?

You can report any issues you experience with the ClearCorrect Sync App by reaching out to the Customer Care team for your region.

Please click here to find contact information for your area.

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Questions about Rating the Sync App:

Can I skip the Rate App request?
Yes. When prompted to rate the app, you will have two options to select: Rate and Remind me Later. Should you not want to rate the app in that moment, you can select Remind me Later. A new pop-up message will appear again after the next App update.
What will be requested of me for rating the ClearCorrect Sync App?
You will be asked to select a star rating (1-5 stars) and leave an optional written review.
What are the differences between the Rate App pop-up and the send in-App feedback function?

The Rate App pop-up gives a rating to Sync App in the corresponding Google Play or Apple App Store. It helps potential users to learn about the experience of current users. It also helps to collect feedback about performance, areas for improvement and development. This rating and the feedback are available publicly.

The in-App feedback on the other hand, is feedback from current users about current functionality (e.g. things that are not working or features that they are loving) or missing features that they would love to have in the App. This feedback is private and is received directly by our Product Managers and Software Product owners.

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Questions about Case Management in the Sync App:

How can I view cases I created in the Doctor Portal on the ClearCorrect Sync App?

You can locate all the cases from the Doctor Portal on the Manage Cases page upon login, you can also filter the cases based on case status type and use the search bar to locate a specific patient case.

How do I access case details in the ClearCorrect Sync App?
You can access the Case Details page by tapping on the patient's name from the Manage Cases page. From here you can access all patient information, hyperlinks to the Doctor Portal or ClearPilot, and get shipping information for the case.
Can I edit the patient's name or primary photo after submission from the ClearCorrect Sync App?
No, currently patient first/last name and primary photo can only be changed in the Doctor Portal.
How can I review Treatment Setups from the ClearCorrect Sync App?
By tapping on the Awaiting Setup Approval hyperlink provided in the Case Details page, an in-app browser will open ClearPilot with the Treatment Setup for that case. This allows you to conveniently review your Treatment Setups on the go.
How can I see cases that have issues with the case submission from the ClearCorrect Sync App?
By tapping on the Problems with Submission hyperlink provided on the Case Details page, an in-app browser will open the Doctor Portal with information for that case. This allows you to conveniently address any issues with submissions for the case.
When can I download patient records from the ClearCorrect Sync App?
Once you have captured photos, you will see an option to download patient records. Patient records will need to be downloaded before the case is submitted. Once the case is submitted to the Doctor Portal, photos can no longer be downloaded to the file storage on your mobile device from the Sync App.
Where will the photos that are downloaded from the ClearCorrect Sync App be saved?
Photos downloaded from the Sync App will be saved to the folder within the mobile or tablet device that you select (it can be a local storage, your downloads folder, or a cloud-based folder).
Can I submit a request for a revision from within the ClearCorrect Sync App?
You can only upload pictures to a revision already started and saved as draft in the Doctor Portal. Once you upload the pictures in the Sync App, the submission of the revision needs to be completed from within Doctor Portal as well.

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Questions about Case Notifications in the Sync App:

When do I receive notifications about case readiness and production status?

The ClearCorrect Sync App will send you notifications when a case setup is ready for evaluation, when there are issues with a submission, and when a case is in production. These notifications help you stay informed about the progress of your cases.

What notifications will the ClearCorrect Sync App provide?

The ClearCorrect Sync App offers three types of notifications:

  • Case status notifications located next to the patient's name in the case list.
  • A notification bell to specifically select cases with recent status changes to Action Needed or In Treatment.
  • Push notifications to promptly alert users of any changes in case status.
Can I disable the Push Notifications?
Yes, you have the option to disable Push Notifications. To do so, navigate to your mobile device settings and adjust the notification configuration for the Sync App.
What do the notification icons next to the patient's name mean?
Icon Icon Description
Actions Needed.jpg    Action Needed
Developing Setup.jpg    In Treatment
Cancelled.jpg    Closed
What does the Action Needed icon represent?
The Action Needed icon signifies various states, including an incomplete submission, a submission awaiting impressions, a case encountering submission problems, or a setup awaiting approval. It can also indicate a case that has been placed on hold.
What does the In Treatment icon represent?
The In Treatment icon signifies a case in which setup is being developed, in production, transit, or delivery, encompassing any phase or the final phase.
What does the Closed icon represent?
The Closed icon denotes a case that has either expired or been canceled.

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Questions about Photo Capturing:

How do I capture patient photos continuously?

Continuous photo capturing is automatically enabled. After creating a new patient case, when you go to the + sign to capture pictures, the first template will appear on-screen to guide you through photo capturing, once you've taken the picture and tap on the check icon on the bottom right side of the screen, you'll automatically be prompted with the next template to take the next picture.

Can I retake a photo if i select Skip during photo capturing?
Once you go back to the patient photo records page, you can select the + icon to edit/delete and retake patient photos.
If I take my pictures with ClearCorrect Sync App and finish my case submission in the Doctor Portal, will my captured patient photos remain uploaded?
Yes, the photos captured from Sync App remain uploaded to the case until the case status changes to Submitted.
What editing tools are available on the ClearCorrect Sync App?
You can use intuitive photo editing tools such as crop, rotate, and mirror.
Can I zoom in while capturing photos on the ClearCorrect Sync App?
Yes, you can pinch your screen and zoom in/out while capturing photos on the Sync App.
How do I set the primary patient photo on the ClearCorrect Sync App?

You can set a primary patient photo for a case in two ways. After capturing the patient photo, select the Star icon on the photo edit screen to set the primary photo.

If you have captured a patient photo, you can also select the + sign on the captured photos screen, which will open a drop-down menu with Set as Primary as an option.

Please note that the selection of the primary photo needs to be done in the Sync App prior to submitting the case. If you wish is to change the primary photo after the case has been submitted, you can only do this from in the Doctor Portal.

How do I delete a captured patient photo?
You can delete a captured photo by selecting the + sign on the captured photos screen, which will open a drop-down menu with Delete as an option.
How do I capture photos while using an intraoral mirror?

If you are using a mirror to capture maxillary/mandibular arch photos, you can use the rotate guide template option to rotate the guide template for the photo.

You can edit the captured photo using editing tools such as crop, mirror, rotate etc.

How do I upload captured photos to the Doctor Portal?
Captured photos are automatically uploaded to the ClearCorrect Doctor Portal.
Can I edit previously submitted case photos?
No, submitted photos cannot be edited.
Can I upload photos for revisions or rejected cases?
Yes, you can upload photos for revisions and rejected cases.
Can I add additional photos?
Yes, you can add additional photos under the additional photos tab.

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ClearCorrect is a registered trademark of Straumann Holding AG.


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