Engagers (also known as Attachments)


Note: Not all features are available in all regions. Please contact your local ClearCorrect/Straumann representative to find out what is available in your region.


What are Engagers (also known as Attachments)?

An engager is a small shape of composite material and is commonly placed on the tooth as part of clear aligner treatment to assist with certain tooth movements. Because some teeth are shaped or positioned in a way that can be difficult for an aligner to "grab" onto, small composite-resin bumps are placed onto the facial surfaces of the teeth so that the aligner has something to "engage" with.

ClearCorrect calls these shapes “engagers”, but they are also known as “attachments”. Whether to use, or not to use, engagers in a treatment plan is up to the clinician.

Please refer to this article on how to properly place engagers. 


Note on Engagers:

Engagers are an active area of research and development at ClearCorrect and elsewhere. Please note the content in this article may change as we release new features available for our Engagers.

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Engagers with ClearCorrect

The technician will suggest the shape, size and depth of each Standard Engager in the treatment setup. You do not need to specify unless you have a custom request or require an Extended-beveled Engager shape.

When we send you a treatment setup, we are presenting our interpretation of your prescription and instructions for the course of treatment that you want to pursue for your patient—the recommendations shown are not absolute. It’s up to you to make any necessary changes to create a custom plan for treating each individual patient.

ClearCorrect's default treatment preferences for engagers involve using 3 mm-sized engagers, which are placed during step 3 of the treatment process.

Engager preferences and timing can be discussed and adjusted according to what you want for your patient. Just let us know about your particular preferences when you submit your case or when approving the treatment setup.

IPR_square_-_new_branding.png  A teal square on the treatment plan represents the addition of an engager.

On the treatment setup in ClearPilot™, if the engager is teal, it means it’s a new engager placement. If the engager is light teal, it means it’s a previously placed engager.

If you are submitting a case revision based on a prior step (not new impressions or scans), we’ll assume that the existing engagers are still on the teeth. You won’t receive a new engager template unless new engagers are needed.

There are two types of engagers available:

  • Standard Engagers
  • Extended-beveled Engagers


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Types of Standard Engagers

ClearCorrect offers two types of Standard Engagers in our treatment setups.

Vertical Engagers

Generally used for:

  • Mesial-Distal Tipping
  • Mesial-Distal Translation
  • Intrusion for lower incisors 

Horizontal Engagers

Generally used for:

  • Buccal-Lingual Tipping
  • Buccal-Lingual Translation
  • Torquing
  • Intrusion
  • Retention/Anchorage on molars or premolars



Standard Engager Sizes

Our default size for engagers is a 3-millimeter rectangular engager, beveled incisally in either a horizontal or vertical position.

To support teeth of different shapes and sizes (e.g., short clinical crowns, large incisors, etc.) you can select different size engagers; you can choose from 3 available sizes:

2-millimeters 2mm_Engagers_GIF.gif
3-millimeters 3mm_Engagers_GIF.gif
4-millimeters 4mm_Engagers_GIF.gif



Standard Engager Depths

Our default depth for horizontal engagers is a 0.75 mm and 1.00 mm for vertical engagers, both beveled incisally.

To support user control of retentive/engagement forces you can select different depth engagers; you can choose from 2 available depths for each type of engager:

Standard Horizontal Engagers: 0.75 and 1.00 millimeters  ClearCorrect_Engagers_Horizontal_v3 (2).gif
Standard Vertical Engagers: 1.00 and 1.25 millimeters ClearCorrect_Engagers_Vertical_v3 (2).gif


Extended-beveled Engagers

  • A supplementary beveled engager shape that can be used vertically or horizontally based on target movement.
  • The bevel can be placed facing to occlusal or gingival, mesial or distal, according to the planned movement.
  • Beveled engagers will enhance the ability of the aligner to achieve more complex movements like rotations and extrusions.


MicrosoftTeams-image (17).png



Types of Extended-beveled Engagers

Horizontal Extended-beveled Engagers

Generally used for:

  • Extrusion

Vertical Extended-beveled Engagers

Generally used for:

  • Rotation
*Extended-beveled Engagers may be used for different movements upon request of the Clinician.

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 Extended-beveled Engager Sizes

Our default size for Extended-beveled Engagers is a 3-millimeter engager

To support teeth of different shapes and sizes (i.e., short clinical crowns, large incisors, etc.) you can select from 3 different size engagers:

  • 2-millimeters

  • 3-millimeters

  • 4-millimeters


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Extended-beveled Engager Depths

Our default depth for beveled engagers is 1.0 mm. To support user control of retentive/engagement forces you can select the 1.25 mm depth option.



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Protocols and Requesting Engagers

ClearCorrect's default protocols for Engagers:

  • Standard Engagers will be placed by default in all treatment setups. Extended-beveled Engagers will be placed only upon request of the Clinician.
  • Standard Engagers and Extended-beveled Engagers are placed on the facial surface and at the center of the tooth, unless specified otherwise by the clinician.
  • Engagers will not be placed near the gingival or incisal edge of the aligner, to ensure enough space to maintain aligner integrity.
  • Engager Placement: On Step 1.
  • Multiple movements on a single tooth: Engager orientation is chosen based on the movement.


ClearCorrect's default protocols for Engagers - Exceptions:

  • A Standard horizontal engager will be placed on molars by default unless specified otherwise.
  • Engagers will not be placed on peg laterals, unless specifically requested by clinician.
  • Engagers will not be placed on any type of prosthetic crown or implant.
  • Engagers will not be placed on the same teeth as cutouts unless specifically requested by the clinician.

ClearCorrect's default protocols for Engagers - Multiple Engagers:

  • Multiple engagers can be added to a tooth if requested by the clinician.
  • Only one engager will be active at a time unless specifically requested to use two at a time by the clinician.
  • If there is no room to place an engager, no engager will be placed until there is sufficient space on the facial surface to place the engager.
  • Engager placement on any extensive rotation may be removed and replaced through the planned steps so as not to impact adjacent dentition.
  • Engagers are not placed on the lingual surface unless specifically requested by the clinician.

ClearCorrect's default protocols for Engagers - Revisions:

  • For revisions, engagers will start on the first step or on a “original step number”.
  • Revisions submitted with new impressions will recommend new engagers, so all old engagers should be removed.
  • In revisions, the clinician can request to keep the engagers.
  • If the revision keeps old engagers, a new engager template will not be sent.

Requesting Custom or Extended-beveled Engagers

To request custom engagers when submitting a case in Doctor Portal, communicate the request in the "Additional information" section of the case submission form. You can specify your custom request by providing instructions for:
  • Which tooth you want the engager placed on
  • What type and size engager you want
  • What depth engager you want
  • If you want a horizontal or vertical engager
  • The orientation of the bevel: Mesial/Distal or Occlusal/Gingival
To request engagers in ClearPilot, click on the DR EDITS tool to add customized engagers to your Treatment Setup. Using the Engagers feature you can customize:
  • The tooth you want the engager placed on
  • The orientation of the engager
  • The type, size, and depth of the engager
  • The position of the engager

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