We asked some of our high-submitting providers to share their tips and experience with promoting their practice as a ClearCorrect provider and for any practice marketing tips they could offer. Here are a few of their responses:
- Promote everywhere
- Talk about ClearCorrect to every patient
- Build a strategic pricing model
- Be confident
- Use the Treatment setup as a sales tool
- Marketing examples
- Internet
- More tips from providers
Promote everywhere
"We promote ClearCorrect on everything we do: our web page, door hangers, posters in the office -- even our business cards. Current upgrades to the ClearCorrect system are prominently mentioned in staff meetings. Our hygienist is on the alert to mention ClearCorrect to likely patient candidates."
Name recognition is important. Publish your name/practice as broadly as possible using ads, give-aways, promotions, social media, etc.
Get involved in the community. Memberships in service organizations, local sports teams sponsorships, health fairs, school activities, etc. are all great ways to get your name out there.
Be prominent in the professional community. Society memberships, study groups, attend meetings, do lunch-n-learns, engage local professionals and ask for referrals.
Brand yourself as a ClearCorrect provider. Display posters and brochures in your office, put the ClearCorrect logo on your website and other practice communications, have staff actively promote clear aligner treatment in the practice.
Talk about ClearCorrect to every patient
"After each exam, my hygienist and I ask patients if they know about ClearCorrect. If they don't, we explain it to them and show them the clear aligners. We explain the patients how it works and how they can benefit from it."
Build a strategic pricing model
"The main thing we do in our practice to promote ClearCorrect is to charge the same amount for either treatment (i.e. the same cost for aligner therapy or fixed appliances). A lot of times, patients are quoted a higher fee for aligners versus fixed appliances, so they are more likely to start treatment with us because of our pricing model."
Be confident
"I think it's really just a matter of confidence. If you confidently tell the patient that you have a solution for their smile that doesn't involve 'shots', 'drilling', and is a fraction of the cost of veneers, it's usually a done deal. I am careful not to pressure anyone -- it's just presented as an idea. But I can't believe how many people have come back to me at a later time, after not being interested, and have decided to move ahead with treatment."
Use the Treatment setup as a sales tool
One of our top submitters uses the treatment setup as a sales tool to get patients on board. He scans the patient's teeth and sends ClearCorrect a case submission. They then share the the treatment setup with the patient (remotely) and many times the patient decides to move forward with treatment after seeing what's possible.
Marketing examples
Dr. Kathy DeFord writes from Papillion, Nebraska:
I had a really nice sign made for my office to advertise ClearCorrect. I forwarded the graphics from your website and had SpeedPro make a sign that shows nicely from the outside of my office, but doesn't show from the inside. From the waiting area you can look right out the window, with no advertising visible. I really like it.
Nice use of the ClearCorrect graphics, Dr. DeFord.
If you have a great idea for an ad or sign, please feel free to use any of the updated logos & images, and share the results with us.
And don't forget that you can also order standard or customized vinyl banners directly from a sales rep.
Dr. Alan Siegel of Phoenix, Arizona says that he tripled his aligner cases by promoting his practice with a custom folding windshield ad that he invented. Now he also prints windshield ads for other dentists as a side business.
Here are a few suggestions for increasing your visibility on the Internet:
- Spelling makes a difference. When you write about ClearCorrect, remember that there's no space between "Clear" and "Correct".
- Link it up. When you mention ClearCorrect or clear aligners on your website, try making the words a link to clearcorrect.com, like this: ClearCorrect. It might improve your ranking (and ours) in search results.
- Before & afters are priceless. There's no better marketing tool than before & after photos of your own patients. Remember to take pictures when your patients finish their treatment (get written permission first). And if you want to pass them along to us, we'd be happy to share them too. Send photos (and stories) to feedback@clearcorrect.com or beforeafter@clearcorrect.com.
More tips from providers
- "People recognize comparisons easily displayed on a vertical poster with pictures." (See our 'Case Types' poster available at store.clearcorrect.com.)
- "Never sell dentistry. Educate the patient, and let them ask you for it."
- "One I get a referral, I have found it easy to convert them to paying patients. First, all of the patients love that I refer them for digital scans. Second, the patients are very impressed by the animation (Treatment setup). Third, I keep a fishbowl full of unused aligners so patients can see and feel them."
- "We just did a big promo for 25% off that was a huge hit. Completely increased case acceptance and increased knowledge in our community of the service and where it is available."
- "Asking all patients if they are satisfied with their smile, especially with tooth alignment. Taking photos on all patients."
- "It's all about initiating conversations. The questions can come from my hygienists, assistants, front office staff, or myself."
- "Put your whole team in aligners, brackets or retainers."
- "Offer webinars which would provide education, benefits and potentially a stream of new cases."
- "We promote ClearCorrect on everything we do: our web page, door hangers, posters in the office--even our business cards. Current upgrades to the ClearCorrect system are prominently mentioned in staff meetings. Our hygienist is on the alert to mention ClearCorrect to likely patient candidates."
- "After each exam, my hygienist and I ask patients if they know about ClearCorrect. If they don't we explain it to them and show them the clear aligners. We explain to the patients how it works and how they or maybe someone they know could benefit from it."
- "The main thing we do in our practice to promote ClearCorrect is to charge the same amount for either treatment (i.e. the same cost for aligner therapy or fixed appliances). A lot of times, patients are quoted a higher fee for aligners vs. fixed appliances, so they are more likely to start treatment with us because of our pricing model."
- "I think it's really just a matter of confidence. If you confidently tell the patient that you have a solution for their smile that doesn't involve 'shots', 'drilling', and is a fraction of the cost of veneers, it's usually a done deal. I am careful not to pressure anyone--it's just presented as an idea. But I can't believe how many people have come back to me at a later time, after not being interested, and have decided to move ahead with treatment."
- "I had a really nice sign made for my office to advertise ClearCorrect. I forwarded the graphics from your website and had SpeedPro make a sign that shows nicely from the outside of my office, but doesn't show from the inside. From the waiting area you can look right out the window, with no advertising visible. I really like it."