How to Create Orders in the ClearCorrect Doctor Portal


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As a ClearCorrect provider, you will need to submit various types of orders during your patient's treatment. This article details the steps for creating each type of order.

For in-depth guidance and tips on case submission, we encourage you to join one of our eLearning courses in Ortho Campus, where you'll find comprehensive instructions and information.

In this article we will cover how to create an order for:

  • New Aligner Orders
  • Retainer Orders
  • Revision Orders
  • Replacement Aligner Orders

Before You Create Orders

Before creating orders in the Doctor Portal, we recommend you take the following actions:

Register as a provider
To create any type of order in the Doctor Portal, you must be registered as a ClearCorrect provider. For more information on how to register, please refer to the following article:
Informed Consent
Before creating a new aligner order, have your patient read and sign a Patient Informed Consent to ensure they understand the risks and benefits of clear aligner therapy. You can download a sample form from the footer of the Doctor Portal (please ensure it complies with your local laws) and retain the signed document for your records.


How to Create New Aligner Orders

To open a New Aligner Order form: 

  1. Select the link in either:
    • Management menu in the header
    • Hover over the plus button located in the Manage Orders section on the home page
    • Management section in the footer
  2. You will be taken to the Create an order page and can begin the workflow for creating your order

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New Aligner Order Form

The New Aligner order form consists of five steps to complete your order.

Step 1: General Information

Step 1 Details
Treating Practice Select the practice you are treating this patient from. This is where the aligners will be shipped.
Patient Information

Patient information includes:

  • First and last name
  • Date of birth
  • Gender
Treatment Information

Treatment information includes:

  • Treat Arches: Which arches are included in treatment
  • Chief Complaint: What are the main complaints from the patient that you are looking to address in treatment

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Step 2: Records Uploader

The Records Uploader features three tabs for uploading case records.

3D Models Photos X-rays

We require either intraoral scans or PVS impressions of the upper and lower arches.

Note for PVS Impressions: We only accept any silicone-based impression material, including PVS, VPS, and polyether material. Alginate won’t work, and neither will stone models. We need impressions for both arches—even if you’re only treating one arch bite registrations are optional. Use disposable impression trays—metal and mesh trays can’t be scanned. Physical records will not be returned; they are disposed after processing.

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Step 3: Treatment Approach

The treatment approach defines your overarching vision for the patient's treatment. Here you’ll define the treatment protocols for the case and provide instructions to the ClearCorrect Treatment Designer for preparing the Treatment Setup.

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You’ll have two options to choose from:

The stage where only permanent teeth are present.
Mixed Dentition
The stage where both primary and permanent teeth are present.
The mixed dentition indication is not available in all regions; check the IFU for your country at to confirm if the indication is available for your region.  

Whether your patient has permanent or mixed dentition, you’ll have two treatment approaches to choose from:

An Aesthetic approach will focus on simple alignment in the anterior aesthetic zone with no molar movements.
Full Arch Correction
A Full Arch Correction approach will consider all underlying orthognathic and orthodontic conditions.

Your choice of Permanent or Mixed Dentition and Aesthetic or Full Arch Correction will prompt you to select from different protocols and treatment options in the order form.


Step 4: Additional Instructions

These details serve as supplemental information that can be included in the order form:

Instruction Details
Wear Schedule

Select your preferred wear schedule for the patient. You can choose from:

  • 1 Week per step
  • 10 Days per step
  • 2 Weeks per step
  • 3 Weeks per step
Treatment Duration

You can choose to have the treatment duration:

  • Recommended by ClearCorrect
  • Limit to a specified number of steps
Additional Instructions

Provide any additional instructions for the case, including:

  • Any teeth that should not be moved (such as bridges, dental implants or ankylosed teeth)
  • Any teeth to be extracted before treatment
  • Any teeth to avoid placing engagers
  • If you want to end treatment with open space between some teeth
Additional Information Provide us with any detailed explanations or instructions for the case

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Step 5: Submit

First consider if you wish to add Treatment Planning Services (TPS) to the case. To learn more about TPS, please see the following article:

Follow these steps to complete and submit the case:

  1. If you’ve chosen to use TPS for the case, add it to your order.

  2. Confirm that you have obtained a signed Patient Informed Consent.
  3. Confirm that you’ve read and agree to ClearCorrect’s current Terms & Conditions. Terms are updated periodically, so we suggest you click the link to review the latest version.
  4. Confirm that you have read and accept the Straumann Group’s Privacy Policy.
  5. Then click SUBMIT and we'll start creating your treatment setup.
You don’t have to pay to submit the case, and you’re under no obligation—you do not pay until you approve the treatment setup.  


Printing Shipping Label and Shipping Instructions

If you are submitting PVS impressions, please see the following article for more information on how to ship these to ClearCorrect.


Case Pricing/Payments

The pricing and treatment options for the order you created is provided once you have reviewed and approved the treatment setup for that case. There isn't a guideline for selecting the correct treatment option as it entirely depends on your and the patient's treatment goals, but we have provided some information that may help you in this article.

As soon as you approve the treatment setup, we’ll start making the aligners.


How to Create a Retainer Order

Retainers can be ordered for both new and existing patients. This section covers the workflow for each type of retainer order.

To open a New Retainer Order form: 

  1. Select the link in either:
    • Case Details page by clicking on the Case Actions dropdown menu
    • Management menu in the header
    • Manage Orders section where you can hover over the plus button located to the right of the words Manage Orders
    • Manage Orders section to select a specific case (for Existing Patients)
    • Management section in the footer
  2. You will be taken to the Order retainer page and can begin the workflow for ordering your retainer

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New Patient Retainer Order Form

Let's look at the workflow to create a retainer order for a new patient.

Step Details
1. New Patient Name Provide the new patient's first and last name
2. Treating Practice Select the practice you are treating this patient from. This is where the retainers will be shipped
3. Arches

Select the arches for which you need retainers

4. Records

Specify whether you’re submitting scans or impressions for the retainers; if scans, upload them here

5. Additional Instructions Add any additional instructions that you may want to provide
6. Retainer Sets Indicate the number of retainer sets you want to order
7. Payment Method Select your payment method
8. Terms and Conditions Confirm that you have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions
9. Submit

You have the option to:

  • Click the Discard button to cancel the order process and return to the Manage Orders page.
  • Click Save as Draft to save the form. You can return later to submit or discard the order.

  • Click the Submit button to submit the order for a retainer.

When you click Submit, you'll receive an order confirmation, where you can review your details before finalizing the order.

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Existing Patient Retainer Order Form

Let's look at the workflow to create a retainer order for an existing patient.

Step Details
1. Existing Patient Name

Choose the existing patient from the dropdown list.

2. Arches

Select the arches for which you need retainers

3. Records

Indicate whether you’re submitting scans, impressions, or using an existing model for the retainers.

  • If you choose scans, upload them here
  • If using an existing model, specify which step you want to use
4. Additional Instructions Add any additional instructions that you may want to provide
5. Retainer Sets Indicate the number of retainer sets you want to order
6. Payment Method Select your payment method
7. Terms and Conditions Confirm that you have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions
8. Submit

You have the option to:

  • Click the Discard button to cancel the order process and return to the Manage Orders page.
  • Click Save as Draft to save the form. You can return later to submit or discard the order.

  • Click the Submit button to submit the order for a retainer.

When you click Submit, you'll receive an order confirmation, where you can review your details before finalizing the order.

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How to Create a Revision Order

To open a Revision Order form: 

  1. Go to the Manage Orders page and click on the case that you want to revise; this will open the Case Details Page.
  2. Click on the Case Actions dropdown menu at the top right side of the Case Details page, then select REVISE.

You will be taken to the Revision order page and can begin the workflow for ordering your revision.

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Let's look at the workflow for ordering a revision for a case.

Step Details
1. TPS Consider if you want to add TPS to this case
2. Case Upgrades Consider if you want to apply a Case Upgrade to this case
3. 3D Models Specify whether you’re submitting scans or impressions for the revision; if scans, upload them here
4. Photos Photos are optional for revisions but can be helpful. If you have new photos for the revision, upload them here.
5. Clinical Features Indicate any Clinical Features that you want included in the revision, you can select from:
  • Engagers
  • Cutouts for Elastics
  • Bite Ramps
6. Instructions Provide any details or instructions that you want the Treatment Designer to consider when creating the Treatment Setup
7. Submit

You have the option to:

  • Click the Discard button to cancel the order process and return to the Manage Orders page.
  • Click Save as Draft to save the form. You can return later to submit or discard the order.
  • Click the Submit button to submit the revision order.

When you click Submit we'll start creating the treatment setup.

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You can see the status of your revision order at the top of the Case Details page.

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How to Create a Replacement Aligner Order

To open a Replacement Aligner Order form: 

  1. Go to the Manage Orders page and click on the case that you want to order replacement aligners for; this will open the Case Details Page.
  2. Click on the Case Actions dropdown menu at the top right side of the Case Details page, then select REPLACEMENTS.

You will be taken to the Replacement order page and can begin the workflow for ordering your replacement aligners.

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Let's look at the workflow for ordering replacement aligners for a case.

Step Details
1. Steps

Select a single step, sequence of steps or range of steps that you want to order replacement aligners for:

  • Upper Arch
  • Lower Arch
2. Update Select the Update button to update the steps and to calculate the cost for the replacement aligners
3. Payment Method Select your payment method
4. Acknowledgement Acknowledge that the replacement aligner order is not a product quality complaint and that you understand the aligners will be reproduced exactly as they were originally
5. Terms and Conditions Confirm that you have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions
6. Submit

You have the option to:

  • Click the Cancel button to cancel the order process and return to the Manage Orders page.
  • Click the Submit button to submit the replacement aligner order.

When you click Submit, you'll receive an order confirmation, where you can review your details before finalizing the order.

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