For information regarding treatment plans, refer to the following:
Treatment Overview
The treatment plan provides simple instructions and recommendations for each phase of treatment. All relevant information for a phase is displayed on one sheet of paper which is included in each phase box. A standard phase includes up to 12 sets of aligners.
We provide a downloadable legend for the treatment plan, it's various symbols and what they mean.
Treatment Plan Numbering System
Understanding our step identification system will help you schedule patient visits. For example, IPR, engagers, and Compliance Checkpoints will always be scheduled for your appointments on odd numbered steps of each phase.
Only the current phase of treatment will be in color on the treatment plan. Any other phases will have no coloring.
Treatment Plan Symbols
The sheet includes instructions for each appointment. You’ll notice that each type of procedure is accompanied by a unique symbol.
A pink triangle represents IPR, or interproximal reduction. Performing IPR between teeth creates the space needed to move the teeth, especially when performing difficult movements (i.e. rotations, extrusions, intrusions).
Learn more about IPR:
- IPR tutorial video
- How to break tight contacts to prevent case revisions
Compliance Checkpoints
A grey teardrop represents Compliance Checkpoints . Compliance Checkpoints are designed to help you verify patient compliance. The IPR done before a Compliance Checkpoint has created space that you are now confirming is closed. If the gap is still open, you may have a non-compliant patient.
In this scenario, don’t continue with the next step or proceed with any IPR that may be scheduled. Instead, have your patient wear the previous step for another two weeks and recheck for compliance at the next appointment prior to proceeding with the next set of aligners or any planned IPR.
To perform a Compliance Checkpoint, use unwaxed dental floss to check for contact between the indicated teeth.
Add Engager
A teal square represents where to add an engager. Engagers give the aligner extra leverage to help teeth perform more difficult movements (i.e. rotations, intrusions, extrusions).
Learn more about engagers:
A small black X represents removing an engager. |
A large gray X represents extraction. |
A dotted tooth is a missing tooth. |
A grey tooth is a pontic. |
A pink tooth is a tooth that is moving. |
Tooth Charts
Instructions on the actions to take are described below the tooth chart.
On the tooth charts , those same symbols give you an at-a-glance overview of where those procedures are being performed. The IPR triangles even change width to indicate whether you’re performing 0.1, 0.2, or 0.3 millimeters of IPR.
There’s a chart for each step, but procedures will never be recommended on even numbered steps of a phase (because your patient starts those steps at home).