ClearPilot™ - Treatment Setups

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The 3D animation of the digital images positioned in the ClearPilot Main Display Window is the Treatment Setup. These images represent the patient’s dentition as it was prepared by our technicians from the PVS (polyvinylsiloxane) impressions or IOS (intraoral scans) submitted to us when the case was submitted.

Reviewing and approving the Treatment Setup for your patient is one of the key aspects of planning treatment. This is where you get to map out the treatment goals you and your patient are aiming for.

After we receive your records, it usually takes a few days to create the setup. When it's ready, we'll send you an email to let you know, and you'll be able to view, modify or approve it in ClearPilot.  

Once you approve the Treatment Setup, we will start to manufacture the aligners.


Using the Setup

Some of the most common uses for the Treatment Setup are: 

  • To plan treatment for your patient using ClearPilot™
  • To show the patient (using the patient link) the treatment goals and what treatment outcomes are possible (at the beginning, or during treatment when non-compliance is suspected)
  • To monitor treatment progress
  • To verify locations for:
    • Placing engagers
    • Performing IPR
    • Compliance checkpoints
  • At the end of treatment, compared with clinical photos, to determine if treatment is finished to your satisfaction, and to your patient's satisfaction

After treatment is completed and the case is closed, we will archive the Treatment Setup and keep it for a period of at least two years.


Viewing the Treatment Setup

Reviewing, adjusting and approving or disapproving the Treatment Setup is done in ClearCorrect’s treatment review tool, ClearPilot. You can find an overview of the ClearPilot application in this article.

You will be able to see when a Treatment Setup is ready for review/approval on the Manage Orders page in The Doctor Portal. To view only the cases awaiting setup approval, select “Setup Awaiting Approval” in the Category drop down menu.

There are two ways to access Treatment Setup in ClearPilot:

  1. Click on the ClearPilot icon in the far-right column to be directed to the case in ClearPilot.
  2. Click a case on the list to visit the Case details page. The Treatment Setup will be under the “ACTION NEEDED” tab at the top left on the Case details page. Click the image of the setup and it will open in the ClearPilot™ platform.


Evaluating the Treatment Setup

  1. Check for notes from the Technician
  2. Evaluate the bite setting. Is the bite set correctly?
  3. Check your treatment plan and compare with the setup

We suggest three basic steps for evaluating a Treatment Setup. These are only our recommendations and you may have a different approach that you like to take. Remember, it's up to you to take the necessary actions to prepare an appropriate treatment plan for each individual patient.

1. Check for notes from the Technician

If the Technician asks you to take some action, please do so. If there are no instructions from the Technician in the Doctor Portal, click on the image of the setup to view the setup in ClearPilot. Check to see if there are any notes from the Technician in ClearPilot.


2. Evaluate the bite setting. Is the bite set correctly?

Confirm that the images accurately represent the proper bite registration. Put the timeline of the Treatment Setup in the starting position and tilt the image up to check for gaps between the upper and lower incisors—comparing this view to the patient’s photographs and records can indicate an improper bite registration for the image.


Look and compare the front, right and left sides to make sure that the following are set correctly in the setup:

  • Overjet
  • Overbite
  • Intercuspation
  • Midline 


If there is a discrepancy disapprove the setup and provide a message to the Technician describing the discrepancy; do not continue before you get a setup with the right bite setting. 

3. Check your treatment plan and compare to the setup

Some questions you may want to ask or think about when evaluating the Treatment Setup:

  • Does it reflect the patient's main concerns and expectations?
  • Does it reflect the treatment goals?


      • Are you happy with the end result?
      • Are you happy with timing and amount of IPR?
      • Are you happy with the number and position of engagers?
      • Is the staging/sequencing of different movements acceptable? (i.e., first rotation then intrusion)

Notes from the Technician

You may receive notes from your technician regarding your Treatment Setup. Some of the common notes you might receive from the technician are:

  • About the case type
  • About your prescription
  • About the quality of your impressions
  • Questions about records/materials

Some notes will require an answer before the technician can provide your Treatment Setup and sometimes the notes or comments do not require a response. The technician will usually be very clear with instructions or if anything is needed for your case to proceed. If you ever need assistance, you can reach out to one of our knowledgeable Customer Care representatives for help.

Notes from the Technician

ClearCorrect's role is to help you create the Treatment Setup you want for your patient. We can offer recommendations for the course of treatment for your patient, based on your provided treatment prescription, but those recommendations are never absolute. It's up to you to make any necessary changes to prepare an appropriate treatment plan for each individual patient.

We can adjust all preferences related to IPR (which teeth, when and how, no IPR, expansion, limited IPR, limited expansion, etc.), engagers, cutouts, and bite ramps based on your specifications. 

Just let us know what you want when you submit your case or when you're reviewing your Treatment Setup.


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