ClearCorrect® Guides


For information regarding creating ClearCorrect Guides, refer to the following:


The function of a guide is to hold space in the arch for the erupting tooth. ClearCorrect offers two design choices for clinicians to choose from:

  • A tooth shaped void
  • A bubble shape void

Regardless of the shape selection, these guides will be slightly enlarged and adjusted in size as treatment progresses in the cases where guides are planned. Most clinicians prefer to leave the guide unpainted, however, if desired the void can be painted with a pontic paint for a more aesthetic look.




Virtual Guide is a tooth or bubble-shaped placeholder created in the space of missing teeth that are erupting. In the Treatment Setup guides will show as a transparent grey color. 



Guides are required in clear aligner orthodontic treatment in growing patients that have permanent teeth erupting such as teen patients. Guides are used to:

  • Maintain space for erupting teeth (such as premolars and second molars)



Guides with ClearCorrect

A request for guides must be made in the “Additional Information” section of the prescription form and x-rays will need to be submitted with the request. It is important to add any other customization details in the case prescription in the Doctor Portal or in the comments panel when reviewing the treatment setup in ClearPilot™.

Customizations can include:

  • Starting a guide at any specific step of treatment
  • Any specific resizing needs


Additional Information




Since guides are meant to help erupting teeth or act as place holders, once the teeth are fully erupted, you will need to submit a new revision request with new scans for new aligners. This Revision is important to ensure the remaining aligners fit adequately to the erupted tooth and to achieve the treatment goals for the case.



When treating cases with teeth that have not fully erupted, it is common to need to order additional aligners.  There also may be more of a need for rescanning and and/or a revision of the case to continue progress and achieve the overall treatment goals.  The additional scans can help provide the clinician with information to help achieve predictable timing of erupting tooth in order to plan treatment to achieve goals.



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